
gpt function for .bashrc

A bash function to put in .bashrc so i can ask questions like [15:24:28 148] dell0039: gpt ‘what is in a name?’ As an AI language model, I do not have personal beliefs or opinions. However, the phrase “what’s in a name?” is a famous quote from Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet. In the play,…

Poky version-specific variables

From time to time I need some code that is only applicable to a certain version of Yocto. Each Yocto release updates the DISTRO_VERSION variable so we can use that to track poky upgrades in our layer. This is useful because often the Yocto poky distribution is updated independently of other layers. Imagine a bug…

Find all recipes in a Yocto layer

This assumes: The layer is in your bblayers.conf That the bitbake oe-init-build-env has been sourced into your environmental variables To find if a specific recipe is in a layer just pipe to grep as below:

Generate multiple images at the same time in Yocto

A common task when using Yocto is to create multiple Linux images for a single target’s load. A very simple example is an emergency partition for fallback. The easiest way is to go to your image recipe and add: In plain English, this means the task do_rootfs now depends on my-other-image recipe’s image_complete task. All…

Converting boot mode from BIOS to UEFI in Ubuntu with XPS15 (9550)

I recently tried to update my laptop’s Linux installation from the BIOS Compatibility Mode to UEFI. I wanted to do it so I could update the laptop’s firmware with the UEFI capsule system and fwupdmgr(cool system by the way). Little did I know i was in for a ride. The process is quite complicated to…

Journal get last execution’s log

Today i was needing the correct journalctl incantation to get the logs exclusively from the last systemd service execution. It seems that Google is not what it used to be, and did not infer from my Google profile that I likely was looking for technical computer information not “Botched Executions” and death penalty. Oh well…

Debugging a coredump with gdb-multiarch

This post is a small reminder on how to use the gdb-multiarch on my Ubuntu machine to debug coredumps from other arches/machines. I need to write it because the information I found in the internet does not always lead to the whole stack trace being available even when all the symbols and external sysroot is…

rauc keyring requiring absolute path keyring

This is a post to remind myself why rauc extract fails with a strange error message: “Not enough substeps: check_bundle” as also described in this github issue. The error is really not useful and it comes up if the –keyring=path is not an absolute path. Even ~/<path> will trigger that error and message. As the…

Development and Production gaps in Yocto

(The original article had typos because Grammarly did not work correctly and disabled my browser’s dictionary. My apologies.) Yocto is great to build customized Linux distributions from source code. It is a very complex tool and needs to build a huge variety of software projects from source code. It often happens that a Linux distribution…

How to write to a docker container’s log from another process

I try hard to make my integration tests run in docker containers to guarantee they are not mistakenly dependent on my system and that they test the system as if a real deployment was in place. Sometimes a test depends on some startup string existing in the logs. An example is that my server emits…


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